Google taking advertising method to radio and print

In class we have studied keyword based advertising on the internet: a way to selectively place ads based on search engine keywords, to better streamline the advertising process and avoid ads hitting the wrong markets.  Google has pioneered this method and it has been very succesful for their online business.  Now, Google is looking to use this same method in newspapers and on the radio.

 The New York Times and the Chicago Sun Tribune have already hopped on board, along with most major newspaper chains.  Radio stations have been somewhat hesitant to try out Google’s advertising, fearing they might lose relationships with advertisers that they have spent time and money building.

 Nonetheless, from the small samples of data that are currently available, Google’s auction procedure has been succesful in print and radio so far, and if the revenue Google has acquired from the online advertising business is any indicator, print and radio success shouldn’t be far off.

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