Archive for the 'Education' Category

“A Balance More Replete”: Structural Balance and Dénouements

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a play or novel or film nearing its conclusion must be in want of a dénouement.
Well, perhaps not universally acknowledged, but whether or not we know the term for it we expect the play we see or the story we read to come to a certain completion: plots […]

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What does it mean to “win” on eBay?

In class, we’ve talked about auctions and specifically about Second Price Auctions.  As it says in our textbook, “The auction form use on eBay is essentially a second-price auction” and this makes sense.  On eBay, the winner at the end pays only the 2nd highest bid since eBay will incrementally increase your bid until it […]

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Independent Thinkers Cowork
Coworking (no hyphen) has become a new social phenomenon that are emerging across the country. It is where someone creates an office and rents out desks to professionals who have different jobs but who share the same values.  Coworking sites are not only meant to be a solutions for professionals who work independently like entrepreneurs, […]

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Structural Imbalance in Apartment 319

Problems always arise when people live in close proximity to one another. Even the closest of friends often find fault with each other’s habits and routines if they’re around one another enough. In my own apartment, this is certainly the case, though the number of conflicts has increased substantially this semester. I […]

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Mathematical Simulation Of Election In Democracy - India and USA
            This article is about game theory and how it relates to democratic systems in India and the USA.  The writer describes the electoral system in the United States with respect to game theory, then goes on to extrapolate what kinds of systems would work best in India.  In democracy, the votes are considered random […]

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The Traveler’s Dilemma
The link above leads to a very well known game, much like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, created by Cornell University professor Kaushik Basu. The problem is as follows: Two people are returning home from vacation on a plane and both have brought back with them an identical souvenir. Upon arriving at the airport after their trip, […]

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Embargo on Cuba The following article describes the embargo the United States has imposed on Cuba.  Cuba, holding its position as a communist nation, has been suffering long economic and social grief for the past 48 years.  With the embargo in place, America has forced the Cuban people into a worse economic dilemma.  Although America has created this […]

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Prisoners Dilemma Played an Unknown Number of Times

On homework 2, we were asked to consider the Prisoner’s Dilemma where it was played twice, and both players knew that the game was to be placed twice. The optimal solution for both players was to confess both games. Now, what would happen if the players were told that the game […]

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Media and the Internet World

The emergence of the internet has disrupted the equilibrium in the entertainment world and radically changed the way content providers and users interact. It was no longer just through televisions or radios at a certain set time but also through the web on-demand available 24/7 with just a click of a button. The music industry […]

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Worldwide Overfishing and Game Theory

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There are many situations that involve a finite amount of a very valuable resource. Everybody involved has an interest in procuring portions of that resource (often as much of it as possible), but it is in nobody’s interest alone to conserve or maintain that resource. There is a conflict between adhering to self-interest […]

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