Archive for the 'Education' Category

“Social Network Buzz Contributes to album sales”

Researchers at New York University recently studied the correlation between articles, blogs, and MySpace friend counts to the success and volume of album sales. Professor Vasant Dhar has come to the conclusion that if 40 or more normal people had written blog posts prior to the album release, the rate of sale of the album ended up […]

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NBA Game Theory: no dominant strategy

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From this article about NBA Game Theory, I find out that in basketball game, there is a high correlation between assists ratio and field goal percentage. If players try to find the other open players, open players will be likely to score with high percentage shooting. However, if players try to shoot even […]

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Cheonggyecheon: Braess Paradox

In class we have learned about Braess’s Paradox and how the removal of a six-lane highway in Seoul, Korea actually improved the flow of the transportation.  The plan of removing the motorway was a part of the historic restoration project of Cheonggyecheon. Last winter break, I actually had the opportunity to visit the newly renovated […]

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Monkey see monkey do? Imitation of behavior in networks in the absence of communication

A college education in an Ivy League university is supposed to inculcate strong critical thinking skills and the ability for independent thought, but recent research suggests that  perhaps deep down we aren’t that different from sheep that need to be lead. Researchers from Leed University conducted an experiment where large crowds of up to 200 or more people were told to walk […]

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Internet network sites

Many people have recently become involved with internet networking sites. The most popular of these being myspace and facebook. These tools help people to organize different networks to which they belong. On facebook users can be separate friends that they have by the different colleges and the different geographical regions they are […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Role of Genetics In Ultimatum Game

Recently in class we have discussed the ultimatum game and how its results have differed from those that would be expected from purely rational and profit-maximizing individuals. In recent years, the game has been played in numerous different scenarios and has resulted in a number of unique and interesting results. For example, behavior of participants […]

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If you could buy a network, how much would you pay?
With the recent FCC auction of the 700 MHz band fetching bids that total to more than $19 billion, one has to ask exactly how much is a nationwide wireless network worth, and who can afford it? In rules specified by the FCC before the auction’s start bidders are to submit confidential bids in series […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Haggling: Realizing How Networks are Connected

Most shoppers don’t think to bargain. If an item is marked at a certain price, it’s stressful to walk up to a salesperson and ask if the price can be lowered. People aren’t used to haggling, so the idea may seem embarrassing, or just too out of the ordinary to try. How […]

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Botnets: Exploiting Network Phenomena for Personal Gain

A botnet is a collection of computers, or bots, that have been compromised by some sort of malicious software. This software gives the attacker the ability to control the bot remotely. Botnets can vary greatly in size, from a handful of computers to hundreds of thousands. One such example of a very large botnet […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Game Theory - Not Applicable In All Situations

        In this article, the author describes the entrance of a new competitor into the mobile market.  In particular, in Great Britain, a new company, Hutchison 3G has attempted to break into the ultra-competitive wireless communications industry.  However, as expected, they have had a considerable amount of difficulty persuading customers to leave their […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Technology, social studies

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