Internet network sites

Many people have recently become involved with internet networking sites. The most popular of these being myspace and facebook. These tools help people to organize different networks to which they belong. On facebook users can be separate friends that they have by the different colleges and the different geographical regions they are from. The graphs that can be created following the patterns of friends show that very strong connectedness exists within the network. Facebook and Myspace are major vehicles examples of facilitators for the small-world phenomenon. It would be very difficult to sit down and think about all the people who you knew but these sites help to make this more clear. Seeing the level of connectedness that each person has with others and how far across the world these ties go. These social networks also allow for people to make a connection with both long time friends and casual acquaintances. It is a place that allows for both strong and weak ties.

Another feature of internet networking sites is that they allow marketers to reach a wide distribution of people. Although this is true there has been some concern about the effectiveness of this marketing. In the article “Networking sites MySpace, Facebook losing popularity” written by The Grand Rapid Press, the effectiveness and the future of such internet networking sites comes into question ( People when asked say that they do not even notice that the ads. Marketers have found that as few as four in ten thousand visitors click on the ads that appear on the sites. This is a major problem for these marketers because these large networks offer a rare opportunity to connect with millions of users.

Posted in Topics: Education

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