The Network of Music and Movies

Imagine a list of every band. What if there was a way to link the bands based on similarity? does just that. The user can enter in his/her favorite band/artist and the site shows a graph of similar bands with the given band in the middle of the graph. Each artist has a bubble, the size of which depends on the popularity of the artist. Each bubble can be clicked, creating a new graph with the clicked bubble being at the center. This site can also be used for movies. Instead of inputting an artist, one can input a movie, actor, or director. Similarly to music, the site will display a graph linking similar movies based on topic and style.

Triadic Closure plays a significant role in these graphs. There are almost no examples where this property does not hold true. In music, if band A is similar to band B, and band B is similar to band C, band A could not be too different from band C. This is what separates music graphs from friendship graphs. In friendship graphs, triadic closure may not always hold true. Even if X is friends with Y and Y is friends with Z, X and Z may not be friends due to some sort of feud between them. The graphs that liveplasma uses are solely based on whether the nodes are similar or not.

Sample Screenshot of Liveplasma

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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