The complicated process to make decision during poker game

As many people already know, poker is not just a card game. As other gambles, opponents’ decision matter, and statistical probability also matters when one expects the result. However, different from many gambles that players have to play regardless of their hands, in poker, players can fold after looking at their hands. Also, different from some gambles that player cannot bet (score is counted to decide how much one earns), in poker, players can raise or just call. This is probably why many people say the outcome of a poker game depends more on skill rather than luck.

When I play with my friends, it is interesting to see that each of them have different beliefs about the best strategy to play poker. Some claim that it is about his action and others’ reaction, and some claim that it is more about probability. Yes, probability is important in poker games, but I never heard of poker champion who graduated from MIT, majoring in math (poker and blackjack is different). Poker is a game that one needs to read others’ mind and also think about probability.

In class, we learned that Game Theory can be applied when people have to make decisions in scenarios where the outcome is also affected by the decisions made by others. We also learned theories called Prisoner’s Dilemma, which shows that one’s outcome depend both on his and other’s decision. However, poker is especially complicated than some cases such as sports or on-line shopping. I agree with the article “High Stakes for Poker as a Learning Tool”.( , which supports the idea that poker involves a complex decision making and says poker can be used as a tool for education.

In poker, you have to consider about five opponent’s decision, rather than one. Another reason poker is complicated is that it is very hard to expect others’ action. . Your expectation of other players can be totally changed by one player’s random behavior. Also, unlike examples like ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ or Hawk-Dove Game”, which one can expect the other part will “confess” or be “Hawks,” in poker there is no answer. In poker, while players may have certain styles, you cannot expect almost anything because you do not know what other players’ cards are. Suppose a situation you have a quite strong hand, and from experience, you think that you’re chance is about 70-80% to win. So you raise money, and one player called and others hold. Now flop is opened, and none of the cards opened help you. And the other player goes all-in. What would you do in this case? At the first stage (before flop), you had 70-80% to win, but now you have to decide whether to give up money you put before or call. As shown here, poker requires players to make tough decisions by each of their “Game Theory” about 2-3 times for each deal. (Because players have at least 4 chances to bet, including pre-flop betting)

Posted in Topics: Education

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