Obesity as social contagion

In an article published last summer in the New England Journal of Medicine, Christakis et al investigate the spread of obesity as a social contagion. Using the dataset from the Framingham Heart Study, they performed a longitudinal study (1971-2003) to study how social networks contribute to individual’s body mass index, or BMI. The researchers discovered multiple clusters of obese persons in the community, and that these clusters were separated by about 3 degrees of separation. A person’s risk of becoming obese increased significantly when he or she had a friend, a spouse, or a sibling who became obese. There was no discernible effect from geographic neighbors, which suggests that physical environment (e.g. sidewalks, parks, crime in one’s neighborhood) may mean much less to the development of obesity than who you associate with.

The spread of obesity through these networks suggests that social norms matter. Individuals may be sensitive to eating and exercising habits of their closest friends, and mimic their behaviors. Malcolm Gladwell argues in the Tipping Point that humans are highly sensitive to the context of their surroundings. Obesity as a social contagion may spread similarly through networks as contagia of fashion or crime.

The accompanying animation illustrates several important points that we’ve covered in class:

  1. It shows a large component with several unconnected graphs changing dynamically over time.
  2. It demonstrates triatic closure, as obese individuals become more tightly connected with one another. The network becomes more dense over time.
  3. It illustrates the concepts of nodes, bridges, edges and the fact that some individuals are more connected than others.

Obesity as a social network

Posted in Topics: Education, Health

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2 Responses to “Obesity as social contagion”

  1. lepidoptera Says:

    It’s interesting that obese people are found at the center of social networks (this is remarked upon at the very end of the animation). It seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom that obesity means social isolation.

    If we were in the EEA (Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness) I would suggest that more connected people would have greater access to food. Of course, it is fairly easy for people to obtain food nowadays; but perhaps a connection still exists.

  2. Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » Networks Digest Blog: A first post for Spring 2008 Says:

    […] half of the class. In particular, pmd8 talks about a widely-read study from this past summer on how obesity is “socially contagious” — although you don’t “catch” obesity from your friends in an […]

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