Archive for the 'Social Studies' Category

Online Magazine for Elementary Teachers Brings Polar Issues Into Classrooms Nationwide

Columbus, Ohio-March 3, 2008 Blockbuster movies and even soft drink commercials have made our planet’s polar regions and their inhabitants popular culture superstars. At the same time many people have either been confronted with what they believe to be climate change weather events, or find themselves wondering about how melting polar ice sheets and rising […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Social Studies

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Green Goes to College in Sierra Clubs Top Ten Schools That Do it Right

Many colleges and universities have responded to their students’ passionate concerns over environmental challenges such as global warming by pledging to become carbon neutral and taking other environmentally responsible steps. Sierra magazine recently looked at the nation’s colleges and picked Ten Schools That Do It Right, based on everything from clean-energy purchases and green-building policies […]

Posted in Topics: Science, Social Studies

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Let’s Talk About It

This drawing of men engaged in hunting is by Dr. D. L. Kamat from a rock painting at Bhimabetaka located 40 kilometers south of Bhopal, India. The paintings are between twenty to fifty thousand years old.
Early humans scratched images of brave warriors hunting deer on cave walls to let others know what was going on […]

Posted in Topics: Social Studies, Technology

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