Polar News and Notes Reading

Issue Four Highlights: Integrating Across the Curriculum

Interested in extending your science and literacy lessons into other content areas? Check out the Across the Curriculum department of Issue 4 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Weather and Climate: From Home to the Poles!
In this issue:
Discover free podcasts on climate and climate change from the NSDL on iTunes U collection.
Learn how weather […]

Posted in Topics: Classroom connections, Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Reading, Science, Writing

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Issue Four Highlights: Professional Development

Interested in refining your teaching practice? Using science notebooks? Creating a web site or publishing a resource list for students or parents? Helping English Language Learners develop science and academic vocabulary? Check out the Professional Learning department in Issue 4 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Weather and Climate: From Home to the Poles. In […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Technology, Writing

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Issue Four Highlights: Science and Literacy

Interested in integrating science and literacy? Need to find quality children’s literature and expository text to use in your classroom? Check out the Science and Literacy department in Issue 4 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Weather and Climate: From Home to the Poles!
In this issue:
Learn about how hands-on science can assist in vocabulary […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Reading, Science, Writing

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NSTA/NSDL Web Seminar: Polar Geography

Tuesday, May 27 was the first of five scheduled Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears web seminars. The free, online seminars are run through a partnership between the National Science Digital Library and the National Science Teachers’ Association. 47 educators participated, representing a wide variety of geographic locations (across the U.S. and even Sydney, Australia!), teaching […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Education, Lesssons and activities, Presentations, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Writing

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Issue Three Highlights: Literacy Tools

Interested in integrating science and literacy? Need to find quality children’s literature and expository text to use in your classroom? Check out Issue 3 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Polar Patterns: Day, Night, and Seasons!
In this issue:
Learn about cause and effect relationships and strategies to help your students master this difficult concept.
Integrate literacy […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Reading, Technology, Writing

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Reading, Writing, and Learning Beyond the Classroom

As the school year draws to a close, many teachers and parents wonder how to promote continued learning over the three month holiday. Summer reading lists are a staple of many schools, and local libraries often offer summer reading programs with fun incentives. ReadWriteThink, a a partnership between the International Reading Association (IRA), the National […]

Posted in Topics: Reading, Technology, Writing

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Polar News & Notes: Children’s Author Travels to Antarctica

Nancy Etchemendy
On May 26, 2008, published author Nancy Etchemendy will embark on the journey of a lifetime: the first of two research expeditions to Antarctica. On her blog, Etchmendy describes how an “unlikely series of events” resulted in an invitation to join the marine biology expeditions. The trip in May is a month-long voyage aboard the National […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Current News, International Polar Year, Oceans, Polar News & Notes, Reading, Technology, Upcoming Broadcasts

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Issue Three Highlights: Seasons

Interested in teaching your students about patterns found in seasons and day and night? Check out Issue 3 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Polar Patterns, Day, Night, and Seasons!
In this issue:
Learn more about seasons and discover sites to develop your own content knowledge.
Find integrated science and literacy lessons to use in your classroom.
Learn […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Technology, Writing

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Issue Three Highlights: The Aurora and Researcher Stories

The northern lights over Kulusuk, a small island on the east coast of Greenland. Photo courtesy of Nick Russill and subject to a Creative Commons license.
Want to learn more about the northern and southern lights - the aurora? Look to Issue 3 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Polar Patterns, Day, Night, and Seasons!
In […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Classroom connections, Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Scientists in the field, Technology, Writing

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Issue Three of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Polar Patterns

A new month brings a new issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears cyberzine! The online magazine is written for elementary teachers to help develop their content knowledge of the polar regions and use best practices in integrating science and literacy instruction. Our second issue is called “Polar Patterns: Day, Night, and Seasons” and […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Classroom connections, Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Education, Ezine Departments, International Polar Year, Lesssons and activities, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Scientists in the field, Technology, Writing

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