Issue Four Highlights: Science and Literacy

Interested in integrating science and literacy? Need to find quality children’s literature and expository text to use in your classroom? Check out the Science and Literacy department in Issue 4 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Weather and Climate: From Home to the Poles!

In this issue:

Learn about how hands-on science can assist in vocabulary development.

Integrate literacy lessons from high-quality content providers into your science teaching.

Discover a virtual bookshelf of children’s literature, written by a children’s librarian.

Incorporate expository text into your instruction with foldable books and even electronic books with narration!

Of course, there’s much more to discover. Check out Issue 4 of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears today!

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Earth and Space Science, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Reading, Science, Writing

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