Archive for November, 2007

Polar News & Notes: Japan’s Whaling Expedition

Did you know that a Japanese whaling fleet departed the port of Shimonoseki on Sunday, heading toward the waters off Antarctica to hunt humpback whales? These whales, once nearly extinct and listed as an endangered species, are now listed as “vulnerable” by the World Conservation Union. Their worldwide population is estimated in the range of […]

Posted in Topics: Polar News & Notes, Science

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Sunrise, Sunset: Learning About Seasons

Did you know that Anchorage, Alaska, experiences approximately 19 hours of daylight on the summer solstice? Or that in Barrow, Alaska, the sun does not set for 84 continuous days during the summer (approximately May 10-August 2)?
Did you know that summer temperatures in Fairbanks, Alaska, can reach 100+ degrees Fahrenheit? Or that Alaska’s short but […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Classroom connections, Earth and Space Science, Education, Ezine Departments, Lesssons and activities, Reading, Science, social studies

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Penguins Only in Antarctica? It’s Not So Black and White!

Did you know that there are 17 species of penguins, and that only a few of those 17 call Antarctica home? While visiting South Africa, our tour guide suggested a stop at Boulders Beach to see the penguins. Penguins? In Africa? The idea seemed laughable, but a short walk down the boardwalk revealed hundreds of […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Arctic, Education, Lesssons and activities, Life Science, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Technology, Writing, social studies

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