Polar News and Notes Professional Development

Connect with Beyond Penguins at the NSTA Conference

If you are attending the NSTA national conference in New Orleans this week, be sure to connect with Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears! You’ll be able to find us at a variety of locations and events:
Exhibit Hall
National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Booth: #1532
Energy and the Polar Environment
Saturday, March 21
5-6 pm
Convention Center, Room R04
Download the presentation […]

Posted in Topics: International Polar Year, Presentations, Professional Development, Upcoming Opportunities

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TappedIn Tour: Arctic and Antarctic Birds

Tonight at 7pm EST we’re having an online chat in the TappedIn online learning community - http://tappedin.org. We’ll be working our way through the February 2009 issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears online magazine. If you can’t join us, you can still take “our tour” below. We meet the first Thursday of each month […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Upcoming Opportunities

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Beyond Penguins at eTech Ohio Conference

On Wednesday, Feb. 4, Jessica Fries-Gaither will present “Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Integrating K-5 Science and Literacy” at the 2009 Educational Technology Conference in Columbus, OH. The presentation is scheduled for 2 pm in room C226. During the session, participants will be introduced to the Beyond Penguins project and the variety of technological tools […]

Posted in Topics: Polar News & Notes, Presentations, Professional Development, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities

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Beyond Penguins Podcast Series

We’re proud to announce the newest addition to the Beyond Penguins project: a monthly podcast series!
Each month, join hosts Robert Payo and Stephanie Chasteen as they discuss misconceptions, teaching activities, and the latest news related to the poles. The podcasts are designed to accompany the current month’s issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Professional Development

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TappedIn Tour: Polar Mammals

Tonight at 7pm EST we’re having an online chat in the TappedIn online learning community - http://tappedin.org. We’ll be working our way through the January 2009 issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears online magazine. If you can’t join us, you can still take “our tour” below. We meet the first Thursday of each […]

Posted in Topics: Professional Development, Upcoming Opportunities

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Integrating Informational Text and Science Through the Polar Regions

Jessica Fries-Gaither will present “Integrating Informational Text and Science Through the Polar Regions” on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at the International Reading Association’s Regional Conference in Nashville, TN. The presentation be be held at 9 a.m. in room 102 of the Nashville Convention Center. We hope you’ll be able to attend!
If you can’t attend the […]

Posted in Topics: Presentations, Professional Development, Reading, Writing

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IPY Day in December Celebrates Research on Polar Weather from All Angles

December 4 will be the seventh International Polar Day and the focus is on modern-day research taking place at both poles. With the theme Above the Polar Regions, background information and activities will feature polar meteorology, atmospheric sciences, astronomy, and polar observations from space.
Teachers and others are invited to use resources from the Above the […]

Posted in Topics: Current News, Cyberzine Issues, International Polar Year, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development

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Web Seminar: Energy and the Polar Environment

Tonight, Carol Landis and Jessica Fries-Gaither will present the second Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears web seminar as part of the NSDL/NSTA web seminar series. Energy and the Polar Environment discusses science concepts such as the seasons, solar radiation, albedo, and Earth’s energy balance and how teachers can incorporate these concepts into elementary curriculum. Common […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Presentations, Professional Development, Science

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Chat Online at Beyond Penguins Tapped In Event

On Thursday, November 6 at 7 p.m. ET, you can participate in an online chat about the latest issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears magazine. Kimberly Lightle will host the chat at Tapped In, the online workplace of an international community of education professionals. During the chat, participants will learn about resources available from […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Professional Development, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities

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Polar News and Notes: NSTA Web Seminars to Focus on Polar Science

Two upcoming web seminars from the National Science Teachers Association will focus on integrating polar science concepts into the elementary curriculum. Both seminars are led by Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears project staff and are part of the NSDL/NSTA web seminar series.
On Wednesday, October 29, Carol Landis and Jessica Fries-Gaither will present Physical Science From the […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Upcoming Opportunities

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