Archive for January, 2008

Learning About Antarctica’s Past

Photo taken at Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, by Carol Landis, subject to a Creative Commons license

Did you know that Antarctica was once a warm place? It is hard to imagine, but millions of years ago, the coldest, driest, and windiest place on earth was actually ice-free and inhabited by trees, plants, dinosaurs, and […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Earth and Space Science, Education, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Reading, Science, social studies

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Polar News & Notes: Year of the Polar Bear

Did you know that 2008 is the Year of the Polar Bear?
Polar Bears International, a non-profit organization devoted to worldwide conservation through research and education, kicked off the YPB with a ceremony on New Year’s Day at the Oregon zoo. The initiative is a collaborative effort between Polar Bears International and over 35 zoos and […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Education, Polar News & Notes, Technology

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Where Does the Arctic Begin? End?

Did you know that there isn’t one official definition for the Arctic?
In contrast with the more easily defined boundaries of Antarctica, the southern boundaries of the Arctic vary depending on interest and purpose. According to Rhian Salmon, education and outreach coordinator for the International Polar Year, “there is no official definition of the Arctic for […]

Posted in Topics: Arctic, Education, International Polar Year, Science, social studies

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