Polar News & Notes: Year of the Polar Bear

Did you know that 2008 is the Year of the Polar Bear?

Polar Bears International, a non-profit organization devoted to worldwide conservation through research and education, kicked off the YPB with a ceremony on New Year’s Day at the Oregon zoo. The initiative is a collaborative effort between Polar Bears International and over 35 zoos and organizations. The goal of YPB is to help these institutions become education centers about Arctic conservation issues and raise public awareness.

PBI has planned many learning opportunities in conjunction with the partnering organizations including webcasts, TV broadcasts, a national contest, online games, and a tour of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.

While the Year of the Polar Bear had been planned for some time, its announcement comes at an opportune time. Recent studies of climate change and its impact on Arctic sea ice have come with gloomy forecasts for polar bear survival. Yet leaders have been slow to take action. Last week, federal officials said that they would need more time to decide whether polar bears would be declared a “threatened” species because of climate change.

Just days before this announcement, a branch within the Department of the Interior issued a Final Notice of Intent for the potential opening of approximately 29.7 million acres of the Chukchi Sea to oil and gas activities. The Beaufort and Chukchi Seas support approximately 20% of the world’s polar bear population. Environmental experts fear that this development will further impact the species.

Polar Bears International hopes that the YPB will raise awareness and inspire the next generation to become “ambassadors” for polar bears and the Arctic region.

Check back often for educational opportunities related to the Year of the Polar Bear!

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Education, Polar News & Notes, Technology

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2 Responses to “Polar News & Notes: Year of the Polar Bear”

  1. cas Says:

    Thought you might be interested in latest news on these beautiful bears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSnPZhGa39s

  2. » Polar News & Notes: Meet an Arctic Ambassador » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Says:

    […] conjunction with Polar Bears International and in celebration of the Year of the Polar Bear, the Columbus Zoo has selected Elaina Wahl as their Arctic Ambassador. Elaina agreed to share her […]

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