Polar News & Notes: Children’s Author Travels to Antarctica


Nancy Etchemendy

On May 26, 2008, published author Nancy Etchemendy will embark on the journey of a lifetime: the first of two research expeditions to Antarctica. On her blog, Etchmendy describes how an “unlikely series of events” resulted in an invitation to join the marine biology expeditions. The trip in May is a month-long voyage aboard the National Science Foundation’s icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer.


Icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer

Image courtesy of Chris Demarest, National Science Foundation

The NSF-funded expedition will explore the icebergs of the Weddell Sea. As the icebergs melt and release dissolved nutrients, they become “hotspots” for ocean life, with thriving communities of seabirds above and a web of phytoplankton, krill, and fish (and possibly marine mammals, though none have been observed yet).  The researchers will use various means — including remotely operated underwater vehicles, sonar, radar, aerial videography, and sampling devices — to learn as much as they can about the icebergs themselves, nearby air and water, and surrounding “halos” of life, which may be affecting greenhouse gas levels.

During her time aboard the research vessel, Etchmendy will post regularly to two blogs. “Unarctica,” a sequel to Etchemendy’s novel, The Power of Un, combines science fact and adventure fiction for students ages 8-12. “Rime of the Modern Mariner” uses Etchemendy’s gothic sensibilities to draw in teens and adults. Etchemendy will include photographs of the expedition and will take advantage of the “comments” feature of the blog, which allows readers to ask questions.

More information about the expedition and Etchemendy’s work is available on her blog, “The Weird Worlds of Nancy Etchemendy.”

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Current News, International Polar Year, Oceans, Polar News & Notes, Reading, Technology, Upcoming Broadcasts

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One response to “Polar News & Notes: Children’s Author Travels to Antarctica”

  1. Bobbo Says:

    You have shed a ray of snuhinse into the forum. Thanks!

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