NSTA/NSDL Web Seminar: Polar Geography

Tuesday, May 27 was the first of five scheduled Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears web seminars. The free, online seminars are run through a partnership between the National Science Digital Library and the National Science Teachers’ Association. 47 educators participated, representing a wide variety of geographic locations (across the U.S. and even Sydney, Australia!), teaching assignments, and years of experience.

During the 90-minute seminar, Jessica Fries-Gaither and Carol Landis shared content knowledge about the Arctic and Antarctica and five strategies for introducing the polar regions to elementary students. Participants learned how the two regions differ in terms of geography, climate, living systems, and their response to climate change. Teaching strategies and resources were selected from Issue One of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears cyberzine.

If you missed the seminar, you can watch and listen to the archived version, available from NSTA’s Learning Center. You can also find related resources from the presentation in this resource list. Finally, you can download a pdf version of the presentation for your reference or to share with others.

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Education, Lesssons and activities, Presentations, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Writing

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