Author Archive

Issue One of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: A Sense of Place

We’re pleased to announce that our first issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears cyberzine is ready to view! This online magazine is written for elementary teachers to help develop their content knowledge of the polar regions and use best practices in integrating science and literacy instruction. Our first issue is called “A Sense […]

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Education, Ezine Departments, International Polar Year, Mathematics, Science, Technology, social studies

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Polar News & Notes: February 2008 News Roundup

News from the polar regions in February 2008 included an exciting new location for astronomical research, expeditions that will enhance our understanding of the Southern Ocean, and new findings that shed light on glacial melting and ice-shelf collapse in Greenland and Antarctica. Missed these stories the first time? Read on!
A team of international scientists completed […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, International Polar Year, Monthly News Roundup, Polar News & Notes, Scientists in the field

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The Last Great Race: Teaching the Iditarod

 Photo courtesy of Travis S., subject to a Creative Commons license
Did you know that Saturday, March 1, marks the ceremonial start to the 36th Iditarod?
Known as the “Last Great Race,” the Iditarod is a race across the beautiful yet rough terrain of Alaska. Covering more than 1,150 miles, mushers and their dogs cross frozen rivers, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Lesssons and activities, Mathematics, Professional Development, Reading, Science, Technology, social studies

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Polar News & Notes: Ellesmere Island Expedition

In March, a six-member team from the United States, Norway, Great Britain, and Canada will embark on a 1,400 mile dogsled expedition across Ellesmere Island. As the team traces the routes of legendary polar explorers such as Robert Peary, Matthew Hensen, Frederick Cook, and Otto Sverdrup, they will witness the changes that have occurred on […]

Posted in Topics: International Polar Year, Polar News & Notes, Science, Scientists in the field, Technology, Upcoming Broadcasts, social studies

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Polar News & Notes: Deep Earth Academy Teacher Fellowship

The Consortium for Ocean Leadership is seeking an enthusiastic teacher for a one-year fellowship (2008-2009)  in Washington, DC. The teacher will work with Deep Earth Academy staff to develop ocean science curricula, produce teacher-training workshops, maintain communication within a community of educators and assist with conference logistics. The position requires a minimum of 3 years […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Science, Upcoming Opportunities

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Polar News & Notes: Girls on Ice

Girls on Ice is a unique eleven-day leadership program for teenage girls that combines leadership, mountaineering and science. The program takes place July 28-August 7, 2008 and is free to girls who qualify via a merit-based application process. It is open to girls 15-18 years old who have shown a keen interest in exploring the […]

Posted in Topics: International Polar Year, Science, Upcoming Opportunities

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Polar News & Notes: WGBH Survey

WGBH, a public radio and television broadcast service located in Boston, Massachusetts, is surveying elementary science teachers. The goal of the survey is to help identify areas in the K-5 science curriculum where students have the greatest learning difficulties, and where future children’s programming and outreach materials (like Teachers’ Domain) can have the greatest impact. […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Polar News & Notes, Science, Upcoming Opportunities

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Learning About Antarctica’s Past

Photo taken at Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, by Carol Landis, subject to a Creative Commons license

Did you know that Antarctica was once a warm place? It is hard to imagine, but millions of years ago, the coldest, driest, and windiest place on earth was actually ice-free and inhabited by trees, plants, dinosaurs, and […]

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Earth and Space Science, Education, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Reading, Science, social studies

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Polar News & Notes: Year of the Polar Bear

Did you know that 2008 is the Year of the Polar Bear?
Polar Bears International, a non-profit organization devoted to worldwide conservation through research and education, kicked off the YPB with a ceremony on New Year’s Day at the Oregon zoo. The initiative is a collaborative effort between Polar Bears International and over 35 zoos and […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Education, Polar News & Notes, Technology

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Where Does the Arctic Begin? End?

Did you know that there isn’t one official definition for the Arctic?
In contrast with the more easily defined boundaries of Antarctica, the southern boundaries of the Arctic vary depending on interest and purpose. According to Rhian Salmon, education and outreach coordinator for the International Polar Year, “there is no official definition of the Arctic for […]

Posted in Topics: Arctic, Education, International Polar Year, Science, social studies

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