Polar News & Notes: Deep Earth Academy Teacher Fellowship

The Consortium for Ocean Leadership is seeking an enthusiastic teacher for a one-year fellowship (2008-2009)  in Washington, DC. The teacher will work with Deep Earth Academy staff to develop ocean science curricula, produce teacher-training workshops, maintain communication within a community of educators and assist with conference logistics. The position requires a minimum of 3 years classroom science teaching experience, a strong background in earth or ocean sciences, and temporary relocation to Washington, DC. Strong writing and computer technology skills are a plus. Salary will be commensurate to incumbent’s current salary. Full time and part-time schedules will be considered.

To apply for the position, send a cover letter, resume, curriculum sample or list of professional development offerings and three letters of reference to learning@oceanleadership.org or mail to Deep Earth Academy, 1201 New York Avenue NW, 4th floor, Washington, DC, 20005 by Monday, March 3, 2008. For more information visit www.deepearthacademy.org/.

Posted in Topics: Education, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Science, Upcoming Opportunities

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