Polar News & Notes: Girls on Ice

Girls on Ice is a unique eleven-day leadership program for teenage girls that combines leadership, mountaineering and science. The program takes place July 28-August 7, 2008 and is free to girls who qualify via a merit-based application process. It is open to girls 15-18 years old who have shown a keen interest in exploring the world of science and the outdoors. Nine young women will be selected. The ideal candidate will be an inquisitive, adventurous girl who would like to learn more about scientific inquiry, research, careers in science and the Northwest environment. It is the only program in the nation that combines leadership, scientific inquiry and mountaineering for teenage girls. It provides a rare opportunity for young women to feel at home in the wilderness while observing the natural world through the unique lens of science under the guidance of professional female glaciologists and mountaineers. Applications are due March 15, 2008. Please visit the North Cascades Institute web site  for more information and an application packet.

Posted in Topics: International Polar Year, Science, Upcoming Opportunities

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