Polar News & Notes: Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears at NSTA National Conference

The National Science Teachers’ Association’s annual national conferenceNSDL Annotation, scheduled this week in Boston, MA, will draw thousands of science educators from across the country. Several Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears project staff members are attending the conference. We’ll post any polar-related news or sessions of interest. Check back often if you are unable to attend the conference, or just missed a particular session!

Additionally, we are scheduled to present an IPY Session: Arctic and Antarctic Biology on Sunday, March 30 from 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Room 257 B. In our presentation, we’ll provide an overview of current news relating to the living systems of the polar regions and a list of news providers that offer RSS feeds and email updates. We’ll also discuss the learning progression found in the National Science Education Standards Life Science Content Standard. We’ll highlight the interactive Science Literacy mapsNSDL Annotation from the National Science Digital Library and provide a resource list of lesson plans, activities, and web sites for K-12 educators.

If you aren’t able to attend, you can download our presentation and resource list here!

Finally, we’ll be at the National Science Digital LibraryNSDL Annotation booth (#1145) in the exhibit hall throughout the conference. Stop by to learn more about Beyond Penguins or any of the wonderful resources available from NSDL!

Stay tuned for more news from Boston!

Posted in Topics: Polar News & Notes, Presentations, Upcoming Opportunities

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