Polar News and Notes: Antarctic Ice Sheet Break-Up

A 160 square-mile chunk of ice broke off from the Wilkins Ice Shelf in Antarctica on Tuesday. The ice, approximately seven times the size of Manhattan, had started to break up in late February. Scientists noticed the movement in satellite images and were able to capture footage and images of the event.

Unlike sea ice, which floats freely on the ocean, an ice shelf is a portion of glacial ice that extends out from the edge of land over the ocean. If this floating portion breaks off and melts, it does not contribute to sea level rise. However, ice shelves often act as “doorstops,” preventing glacial ice further inland from moving. As these ice shelves break off, inland ice is able to move out to sea – which can raise sea level.

Climate change in Antarctica is a complicated picture. Some places on the continent are cooling and adding ice through accumulated snowfall. Other places, such as the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet (of which the Wilkins Ice Shelf is part) are warming and melting. Scientists hope that continued research into the environmental and climate conditions of Antarctica’s past will shed light into the changes observed today.

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Current News, Polar News & Notes

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4 Responses to “Polar News and Notes: Antarctic Ice Sheet Break-Up”

  1. » Polar News & Notes: June 2008 News Roundup » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Says:

    […] or 154 square miles) to break off from the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula in March. Now, despite the winter season’s colder temperatures, the shelf has experienced further […]

  2. ID Security Says:

    This is just one more example of global warming

  3. » Wilkins Ice Shelf Breaks Up » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Says:

    […] connecting the Wilkins Ice Shelf to Antarctica has broken off about a year after disintegration first began. An ice shelf is a portion of glacial ice that extends out from the land’s edge over the […]

  4. » Polar News & Notes: December 2008 News Roundup » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Says:

    […] Peninsula. Breakup of the bridge has been a steady occurrence during 2008, with major events in February, May, and […]

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