Archive for March, 2008

Ithaca Airport & Network Exchange Theory

When we think about airline routes, it is immediately apparent how they form networks. It is clear how concepts from social networks such as triadic closure apply. For example, consider Eastern Airlines in the early 1960s. It adopted the novel idea of hourly shuttle service between New York’s LaGuardia Airport with Boston’s Logan and Washington’s […]

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How Do They Track Us?

How Do They Track Us?
Expanding on Professor Easley’s lecture discussing keyword-based Web advertising, Louise Story of the NY Times authored a blog post entitled “How Do They Track You? Let Us Count the Ways” as a supplement to her article “To Aim Ads, Web is Keeping Closer Eye on What You Click” [which was posted […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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One Laptop per Child: Bringing Social Networking Closer to Home

In January of 2005, Nicholas Negroponte announced his idea to create an inexpensive laptop for children. Originally billed as the “$100 Laptop”, the device would provide a tool for poor and underserved children to tap into the educational opportunities presented by technology. His vision has since grown into a nonprofit organization, One Laptop […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Game Theory and Terrorism

Interestingly enough, Game Theory can be an appropriate tool when it comes to analyzing terrorism. It helps us to look at the strategic actions of governments and terrorists where their actions are mutually dependent.
Now to look at the various situations where Game Theory can be applied – The first obvious application that would come […]

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Social Networking Strategies

Seven Social Networking Strategies for Smaller Businesses
Rusty Weston’s article illustrates 7 social networking strategies for small businesses. The seven are Prospecting on a Social Network, Sourcing talent on a social network, building widgets for social networking sites, encouraging employee use, not abuse, of social networking, building a custom social network for customers, building a custom […]

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Hydrogen Vehicle

Today, a number of countries are pushing themselves to develop the environment-friendly cars due to severe global warming, air pollution and etc. There are already energy saving mother vehicles with hybrid engine, it still depends on gas and creates pollution. The next generation of motor vehicle would be the hydrogen car using 100% natural energy. […]

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UK ISPs to sell clickstream data to advertisers

3 Internet Providers in Deal for Tailored Ads
Bad Phorm? UK ISPs to sell clickstream data to advertisers
While internet giants like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have made millions from online search advertising, three UK internet service providers, along with a company named Phorm, are taking an entirely different strategy towards targeted advertising. The primary difference […]

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Cable Firms Collaborate to provide Targeted Advertisements
This New York Times article discusses how the 6 largest cable companies are trying very hard to increase advertising profits from television. Television advertisement has been fighting a losing battle against internet advertising (cough cough Google). However, cable has finally decided to take the project seriously. The project will collect data about viewer’s preference of […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Deceit, Fraud, and Auctions: The “Magic Number” Problem Behind New York City Schools
            Ian Ayres’ book Super Crunchers: Why Thinking by Numbers is the New Way to be Smart delves into many different aspects of networks from Prisoner’s Dilemma to the greater structure of search engines.  What truly grabbed my attention was a chapter on school construction in New York City.  Under the New York City School […]

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Web Ads Becoming Customized?
This New York Times article discusses new marketing strategies and practices by online advertisers. Some sites now track usage history and individual user trends to customize advertising to specific people. To quote the article, “These companies use that information to predict what content and advertisements people most likely want to see. They can […]

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