Hydrogen Vehicle

Today, a number of countries are pushing themselves to develop the environment-friendly cars due to severe global warming, air pollution and etc. There are already energy saving mother vehicles with hybrid engine, it still depends on gas and creates pollution. The next generation of motor vehicle would be the hydrogen car using 100% natural energy. Developed countries as USA, Japan, Korea, and EU are investing enormous amount of money on R&D for Hydrogen Car of which the fuel can be obtained unlimitedly from nature and which produces zero pollution. However, experts are predicting that it will take 1-2 more decades to be commercialized. 

Hydrogen is the lightest matter in the universe. Therefore, it has a huge volume and risk of explosion compared to the same mass of other matters. The electricity is produced when hydrogen forms water and it is the power that moves hydrogen fuel battery car. Because hydrogen can be produced from sea water by electrolysis, hydrogen can be produced unlimitedly. Countries with no oil can apply this technology not only for the car, but also to the life in general.


To start off the hydrogen economy era, development of hydrogen care is essential; in order to do that, hydrogen storage device has to be developed first. Even though scientist are working on this by using all conditions of hydrogen: gas, liquid, and solid, it seems it still needs more time.


Liquid type storage is the most discussed method. Under this method, hydrogen is stored as gas compressed in 350-700 pressure. Then, it produces electricity through combustion (oxidization) and produces water instead of exhaust gas.


However, stored hydrogen is high-pressure hydrogen gas. In other words, if it gets into an accident, there is a high possibility of the car turns out to be a bomb.

In order to use gas form of hydrogen, overcoming the explosion risk is the first problem to be solved. Moreover, the production cost is too high. Hyundai motors presented proto type of hydrogen bus in November 2006, and it would cost 3 million dollar.


In liquid hydrogen method, car moves by the force of explosion of injected liquid hydrogen to engine. BMW presented Hygrogen7 two years ago. This car moves by directly combusting the liquidified hydrogen at -253C, through the similar engine as gasoline engine. However, regarding the energy required to compress hydrogen at -253C, it maybe worse for environment than gasoline car.


We hope to see pollution-free hydrogen car within few decades, saving the world.

Posted in Topics: Technology

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