Archive for March, 2008

From Mrs. Pacman to Mrs. Peck Me: Unraveling the Sticky “Interweb” of Prostitution

Let’s face it, after hearing about Spitzer’s adventures at The Emperor’s Club a couple of days ago, the first website most of you visited was not, but MySpace - I know I did. After spending a couple (ok, give me more credit than that - 15) minutes looking at “Kristen’s” bikini picture, a thought […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Technology, social studies

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Digg Labs Swarm: Triadic Closure & Popularity

Digg Labs Swarm is a visualization that displays the most popular/most frequently viewed news articles on and shows how readers connect from one article to the next. A screen shot of the website can be seen below:

The visualization relates to our discussion in class about triadic closure - a property that is satisfied when […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Google AdSense

In class, we learned about Google advertising algorithm that is mainly used in Google AdWords. AdWords is Google’s advertising product and its main source of revenue. Advertisers bid on the word(s) that will trigger their aids when a user searches that word(s) on Google’s search engine. Therefore, Google not only revolutionize how people create searches […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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What is The Future of Television?

The future of television is of course going to be digital and HD, but it is also going to be watched strictly from the computer screen or a television which now are interchangeable. Computer users have the ability to watch an episode of say “The Office” on a wide screen HDTV, stop it […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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What is the necessary feature for a broker?

      Brokers connect two parties which do not have ties between them. As we covered in lecture, brokers can enjoy one’s power when they have no competition. In real life, it is easy to find brokers in many cases, ranging from brokers involved in relatively trite issues to ones involved in international issues. In my […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Exploring Complexities of Google’s General Second Price Auction
In class, we have recently been discussing how Google auctions off its advertising slots. In short, Google uses a General Second Price bid auction (GSP) where the advertisers report some value per click on their advertisement. This value is taken as a bid which then is used to establish prices for the slot. […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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MAD Game Theory

The United States government employed (directly or indirectly) many of the pioneers of game theory, and much of their time was spent considering the distinctly game-theoretic problems the Cold War presented. The Cold War was in some senses a game like any other in game theory, albeit on a much larger scale and with much […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Homo Economicus?

In “What was I thinking?” Elizabeth Kolbert reviews a new book by MIT economist Dan Ariely, “Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions” (Harper, 2008). Kolbert begins her piece by describing a seemly irrational act of purchasing an additional book from Amazon simply to get free shipping. Throughout her review, she […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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Game Theory and the Cold War

The lingering threat of war between two nations is unsettling, especially if both sides understand the consequences of their actions.  A particular example of this is the Cold War, the power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union over nuclear arms, among other things.  In the article(see link at bottom of post), game theory […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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FCC Auctions Rights To New Wireless Network

Google’s Wireless Auction Play
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently auctioning the rights to build a new wireless network. The current frontrunners in the bidding, which began on January 24th and will end soon, are AT&T and Verizon. Google was previously in contention, but withdrew after its bid of 4.7 billion was surpassed. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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