Archive for March, 2008

Business Networks, “Clusters,” Serve as Incubators, Catalysts in Regional Economic Development

     Earlier this semester, I enrolled in a course on regional economic development through the architecture school’s Department of City and Regional Planning.  From the onset, our professor challenged us to look at different aspects of economically successful areas to choose a factor or indicator that we believe is most important to creating a successful regional economic development […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Information Cascades: Mass Hysteria and Outbreaks

In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell discusses a 1999 outbreak of food poisoning in which over one hundred school children became ill after drinking contaminated coca-cola at several schools across Belgium (p. 268-70). Gladwell reveals that upon examination of the culprit coca-cola factory, the contaminants in the CO2 (which gave off a detectable odor, similar to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Go Cross Campus, the passage here introduces GoCrossCampus, or GXC, a massive multiplayer game built on social networks. GXC is a team-based locally social online sport that revolves around your connections, location and interests. “Any team of people can play, whether it’s rival dorms battling across a college campus, employees competing in an exciting corporate team-building  tournament, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Market Theory in Higher Education

In the market of higher education, buyers are students who can buy only one unit of the good, a college education, but we change the rules so that sellers have multiple units of their good. Buyers’ valuations on each seller’s good may be modeled as how much each buyer could and would be willing to […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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Public SpaceRank

I stumbled upon this architecture competition entry titled “Quameleon” by Ayssar Arida Associates:  This project allows occupants to design their own temporary public spaces by using light/sound qualities to augment existing spaces.  Occupants may upload new sound files or video files into database or choose from existing uploaded files/qualities.  As a networked system that […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Effective Information Networking For Health Care

Before the break, our classroom discussions focused on information networks and search. The Internet allows access to tons of information, however the underlying structure of that information can play a critical role in improving – or making worse – its own usefulness. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo have enjoyed meteoric rises because of […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Technology, social studies

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Information Retrieval Via Social Networks

Though Googling “Cornell” will return - sure enough - as the first result, the PageRank algorithm has limitations that may be better overcome by networks that are more akin to social instead of information networks. A Search Engine Watch blog post, Is Twitter the New Google Alternative?, describes how people are increasingly […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Changing Congress Collaboratively

Larry Lessig, the creator of the Creative Commons and a prominent name in Internet law, recently launched Change Congress. Change Congress is a multipartisan movement created to reform politics by combining existing data and ideas in a “Google-mashup” which will ultimately allow voters to see which candidates support change. The problem which Lessig sees in […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Hardy-Weinberg/ Nash Equilibrium
In looking into the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, this principle helps explain the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population that remains constant from generation to generation. This of course occurs only when certain factors are kept constant. This principle works hand in hand with Mendelian segregation and recombinations of alleles. The five factors include random […]

Posted in Topics: Science

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Auctions and Information Cascades Lead to Cheaper Vacations, a travel site, offers everything from hotel rooms to car rentals. While many have already heard of the company (mainly through the tongue-in-cheek William Shatner ads airing on television), most do not realize the specifics of proper bidding strategy—as discussed in lecture. This, along with the details of, a bidding advising site […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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