Go Cross Campus

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/21/technology/21ivygame.html?em&ex=1206504000&en=f0c1e25feefc393d&ei=5087%0A, the passage here introduces GoCrossCampus, or GXC, a massive multiplayer game built on social networks. GXC is a team-based locally social online sport that revolves around your connections, location and interests. “Any team of people can play, whether it’s rival dorms battling across a college campus, employees competing in an exciting corporate team-buildingĀ  tournament, universities duking it our in an inter-campus athletic conference championship, or even supporters of presidential candidates in a political bash across the country.” “It’s totally free, and takes just 2 minutes a day to play! Use your armies to attack your enemies and defend your territory. Everyone is part of the action, but your team as a while mush band together to coordinate strategy, elect leadership, and even root out spies! join a strategy meeting…or start one! Or just play in the sidelines. How you participate is up to you.”"Conquer your campus, Win your world.”

This passage says no one is claiming this is the next Facebook, and in http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/gocrosscampus/, Gabe Smedresman, the game’s creator, also says there should be no Facebook-style controversy. Besides, this game is different from others online games because it unites participants of real-world communities in a common online cause.

And James Boyle, the institutes’s director, describes GXC as “If there is any aspect of social networking that has not been as fully exploited up now, GXC has found it.” And this game is pretty impressive, combining online combating and offline strategy.

In the end, we find there is now a offshoot version called GoCrossPoliticalBasho8. It even ‘triggers’ online battle among presidential candidates supporters over a US map. Because it bases on real-world community, this virtual online game finally may come out realistic meanings.

I look forward to how far GXC can go.

Posted in Topics: Education

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