Archive for February, 2008

“Sniping” on Ebay as a rational strategy

A USA Today article, On Ebay, it pays to snipe, talks about the strategy of “sniping,” which is described as “waiting for the very last second to submit your bid” for an item. Ebay has a form of auctioning called Second Price auctions. Second price auctions have a dominant strategy for bidders where it is […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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The HD Format Wars
On January 19th Toshiba officially conceded victory in the two year war between its own HD-DVD and Sony’s Blu-ray. Just a few months ago it seemed that HD-DVD and Blu-ray were dead even. Toshiba had acquired the exclusive support of both DreamWorks and Paramount and had a considerable price advantage over Blu-ray. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Blu-Ray is nearing its tipping point
The use of HD-DVD players is coming to an end. As prices of HD-DVD players decrease and more companies move toward selling Blu-Ray one can only determine that HD-DVD players are on its last leg. The long awaited rise of Blu-Ray disc as an industry standard backed by Sony has begun.
Toshiba an early […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Google looks to buy company that builds wireless networks out of Balloons.

In the Wall Street Journal Yesterday there was an interesting article about a network company Google may buy that makes wireless networks by sending up transceivers into the stratosphere via balloons. The company, Space Data Corp., releases 10 balloons a day in the southern U.S. to support telecom systems for truckers and oil companies. These […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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LinkedIn Vs. Facebook

In class, we discussed online social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook that are used to keep people connected though they may physically be thousands of miles apart. LinkedIn, a professional networking site, serves a similar pupose for job recruiters and those seeking employment. In the linked article above, blogger Jeff Pulver discusses his […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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The Cold War and Beyond: Arms Races and Game Theory

Before taking this class, everyone had a background in game theory, whether or not he or she realized it. It had a place in our history books, as they chronicled a half-century conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union– the Cold War. The Cold War is a genuine prisoner’s dilemma, where both sides […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Mixed Strategy In Practice: Soccer Penalty Kicks

While all sports naturally have complex strategy to determine the victor, soccer specifically has a situation in which the game theory behind it is comparatively very easy to analyze, penalty kicks. These penalty shots are a one on one game, shooter against goal keeper; the shooter trying to guess which side the goalkeeper will not […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Mathematics of Dating: Applying Game Theory to Win a Spouse

After a long night of tossing and turning last week, I decided to pick up a magazine to lull myself to sleep. Unfortunately, the only stack in my fraternity’s bathroom was of Playboys, and the obvious thing to do with those would only serve to keep me up even longer. Then I remembered what my […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics

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Networks and Low Power Circuits

Manufacturers of consumer electronics are developing great devices with new features at an alarming rate.  Unfortunately, advances in battery technology are struggling to keep up with these new power hungry gadgets.  Streaming video, 3d graphics, and wireless data connections can all drain a device’s battery in a few short hours.  Some electrical engineers are taking […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Technology

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eBay to increase fees, remove buyer feedback

The giant online auction company, eBay, has announced a policy change to increase the trader fee (commission) charged during a transaction between buyer and seller. Beginning in May, 2008, the company will also introduce a new feedback policy that no longer allows sellers to offer feedback of its customers. eBay reported that some […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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