Archive for April, 2007

Sometimes it’s better to not to advertise…online that is.
note: I believe that you may need a NYtimes online account to view this article, since it dates back to Sept. 2006.
Although advertising is a key component in any business’ strategy to attract new customers, there are some forms of advertisements that may be financially detrimental to a company. Obviously, it takes money to advertise, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The DMCA, power laws, and (YouTube & Viacom)

The DMCA (at Cornell’s Legal Information Institute)
The digital millennium copyright act (DMCA), copyright law’s online presence, attempts to grasp several areas in its provisions including: (1) “transitory” digital communication, (2) system caching of others’ work, and (3) systems serving as repositories of other’s content. Although the DMCA applies equally to most parties, it […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Negative Side of Too Much Power

In a recent New York Times editorial “The Rich Are More Oblivious than You and Me,” Richard Conniff examines how the rich and famous lose touch with the world and questions if this loss is due to their powerful position in a (social or money) network. He cites a study led by Stanford Professor Dacher […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Google’s Expansion to TV-based Advertising
It was recently announced that Google signed a television ad sales partnership with Echostar, a satellite-TV company. With their most successful invention of Generalized Second-Price Auctions in web-based advertising, they are looking to use their online selling techniques for selling TV ads.
         There are some capabilities that Google plans to implement into TV advertising. One of which is […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Technology

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Network Effects Lead to Users Being “Locked In”

This article describes how certain companies were able to survive in a weak economy because of network effects. Due to network effects, companies with more users using their products are in a very strong position. This is because new users will tend to follow the leader in the industry. Also, current users […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Using Internet Content to Model the World

Power Law Distributions in Real and Virtual Worlds
The above link is an article that compares the pattern of size of global domains to the geographical distribution of the global population. One of the interesting points made in this article is that web pages are often closely linked to the economic and technological growth […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Maintaining the Popularity of Social Networking Sites
The above article addresses the issue of how long social networking sites will stay popular. The issue is important because just like any other fashion or fad, they can come and go at unpredictable rates for not so obvious reasons. The article mentions Friendster and how it accrued to 20 million users in a relatively […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Information Cascades and Their Effects on me Finding a Job
The ultimate goal of a majority of college students, myself included, is to eventually land the perfect job. There are a number of ways to achieve such a goal and there are several factors that come into play. These factors include, but are not limited to: whom you know, what […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Network Effects and the All-Star Game

In most American major leagues, the All-Star game is a long-standing tradition, where the league can showcase the best talent from all of its teams, in the form of a generally meaningless competition. In my favourite league, the NHL, there have been, as of this season, fifty-five All-Star Games, usually pitting players from the NHL’s […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Network Effects in Fads, in Particular, Streaking

As I looked for an article related to network effects, information cascade, and related topics, I searched for articles related to collective behavior, and found this interesting article by B. E. Aguirre, E.L. Quarantelli, and Jorge L. Mendoza. The link is located below:
The article is entitled, “The Collective Behavior of Fads: The Characteristics, Effects, and […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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