Archive for the 'Technology' Category

One Laptop per Child: Bringing Social Networking Closer to Home

In January of 2005, Nicholas Negroponte announced his idea to create an inexpensive laptop for children. Originally billed as the “$100 Laptop”, the device would provide a tool for poor and underserved children to tap into the educational opportunities presented by technology. His vision has since grown into a nonprofit organization, One Laptop […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Hydrogen Vehicle

Today, a number of countries are pushing themselves to develop the environment-friendly cars due to severe global warming, air pollution and etc. There are already energy saving mother vehicles with hybrid engine, it still depends on gas and creates pollution. The next generation of motor vehicle would be the hydrogen car using 100% natural energy. […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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UK ISPs to sell clickstream data to advertisers

3 Internet Providers in Deal for Tailored Ads
Bad Phorm? UK ISPs to sell clickstream data to advertisers
While internet giants like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have made millions from online search advertising, three UK internet service providers, along with a company named Phorm, are taking an entirely different strategy towards targeted advertising. The primary difference […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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“The Power of Organizing Without Organizations”
The recent increase of the Internet’s ability to create global, ad hoc groups that can amass enormous influence over social, political, and economic institutions signals a significant shift in the power of the medium and, more broadly, all media. This is the argument of Clay Shriky’s new book, “Here Comes Everybody: The Power of […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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The Relative Power of Gatekeepers in a Dense Network

In a past homework assignment, we looked at the notion of a gatekeeper in a network. The intuition behind our definition was that a gatekeeper in a network–much like a literal one–is in an advantageous position with respect to information flow. However, when we looked at negotiations and power in networks of human subjects, we […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Text Messaging and Generational Difference
The above article is titled “Text Generation Gap: UR 2 Old (JK)” and is from the business section of the NYTimes. The article’s publishing date is March 9, 2008.
As the title suggests, the article is about the function of text messaging and how it continues to impact and change our society. Specifically, the article focused […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Low Bid auctions

How to participate in a low bid auction
Above is a short article I found interesting about low bid auctions. A low bid auction is actually an auction where the lowest bid wins… with one exception: the bid must be unique. So in theory you can bid one cent on an item, but if someone else […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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A virtual car stock exchange

Want to start bidding on car stock?, a well renowned car enthusiast website has started with a beta service entitled CSX – namely car stock exchange.  The service is based on the idea of a prediction market. These markets are speculative, created for the basis of assigning a cash value to an event. In […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Auctions: Solve Two Sources of Airport Congestion

djr45 discusses a New York Times article about congestion Kennedy Airport, in “Auctions: A Potential Solution to the Growing Airport Congestion Epidemic.” Auctions can be used to limit the number of take offs and landings and as result encourage airlines to use less congested airports or fly during off-peak times. The auction solution proposed could […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Why I stopped using AIM…

No, it is not just my productivity secret. If you haven’t stopped already, perhaps this website might sway you:
I admit, I was apprehensive at first about clicking on a link that had the word “virus” in it three times. But I figured, I’m in a public Cornell computer lab, what’s the worse that can happen […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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