Archive for the 'General' Category

Unsettled Day On Campuses Around U.S.
This article was written a bit after the shooting at Virginia Tech, and talks about the tension in other universities and schools across the nation in the days following the attack. Many schools canceled classes in response to various threats and suspicious activities. These incidents highlight the way in which diffusion and network effects, as […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Technology

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Information cascades and corporate decisions 
 In the paper “Hierarchical Reporting, Aggregation, andInformation Cascades”, the authors (Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover and Brian Mittendorf ) illustrate how a cascade can decide the outcome of a decision in a hierarchical organization and how that can be prevented. In their model, a firm consists of 3 tiers – there are 3 lowest level managers, a middle […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Online Sports Auctioning at

I have been a major league baseball fan for years, but it was not until last week during one of my routine visits to my favorite baseball team’s website (which shall remain nameless as I am embarrassed by their performance), that I realized a small ad in the lower left corner of the screen. […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Because it’ll be awhile before Grandma joins MySpace

Normally, social networking sites are designed to allow people to make connections that they previously would not have been able to make. This one is different. Instead of helping you find new social links, simply brings out the ones that are already there. Not just any links, only the most important […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, General

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The Tipping Point in the Political Underground

At the beginning of this month, a clever illustration of the power of information cascades was carried out in the even seedier underground of politics: partisan blogging. As Josiah Roe, Executive VP of Coptix, Inc., which provides backup DNS hosting for sites such as “”, writes, his company decided decided to do a little […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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“Small World” Experiment Revivial

Duncan Watts, of Watts-Strogatz model fame, is in the process of conducting a modernized version of Stanley Milgram’s original 1967 “small world” experiment as mentioned in class. Watts, now at Columbia University is the principal investigator on the the Columbia Small World Project. In this version of the experiment, people can volunteer […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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Litigation and Game Theory
This article is a comment about the use of game theory in practice and its possible applications to litigations.  It spends time discussing the different approaches to using economics in the court room to focus on areas of economic analysis compared to game theory in cases such as antitrust suits. 
It makes a point that […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, social studies

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Mozilla Introduces Firefox’s New Social Networking Capability: The Coop

Mozilla To Build Social Networking Into Firefox
In early April 2007, sites began popping up all over the internet addressing one of Mozilla’s new endeavors with Firefox: The Coop. The Coop, which will potentially be Firefox’s built-in social network tool, is currently a project in Mozilla Labs. According to its Mozilla wiki, The Coop’s “design was […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Small World Networks, Memories and Dreams
In the 2004 article, “A ‘Small-World’ Network Hypothesis for Memory and Dreams,” which appeared in the journal, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Panagiotis Tsonis links the small world phenomenon with memory processes in the brain. Citing the hypotheses of Watts and Strogatz that the connections between neurons create small-world networks, Tsonis suggests that memory associations […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Search engines utilized as a tool for hypersearching News

Try logging on to New York Times. you may realize that there are not any links to other news articles other than articles that originate from New York Times. Try another news source, such as CNN. Again, you won’t be able to find an article that links to New York Times or other News sources. […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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