Archive for the 'Education' Category

Adversary Network Analysis in Intelligence Gathering

Some of my colleagues posted earlier about the applications of network analysis in the context of counter-terrorism and national security. BigT referenced a fascinating article by network analyst Valdis Krebs, Uncloaking Terrorist Networks , in which Krebs used public domain knowledge available shortly after the September 11th attacks to identify Mohamed Atta as […]

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Social networking in health care
This article, published Dec 29 2006 in the Wall Street Journal, discusses a new approach to networking in health care. In the past years people have started searching the internet more often as the first source of medical information. In light of this, the medical community has started to take advantage. […]

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On “Networks of Strong Ties”

The Shi, Adamic & Strauss paper “Networks of Strong Ties” (pdf, arXiv) analyzes the importance of strong ties in a social network, in contrast to “The Strength of Weak Ties”. If we recall, the strength of weak ties resides in their ability to connect nodes that are not normally in close contact with each […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology, social studies

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Government, Terrorism, and the Power of Social Networks

Article 1:
Article 2:

The two articles above discuss the power behind social networks. The first article, Telecoms let NSA spy on calls, talks about the NSA wiretapping procedure and the legal implications of this procedure. Each telecommunication company is in control of a large network of users, or customers, which can […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Graphing the Thank You’s Mentioned During the Oscar Acceptance Speeches

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The New York Times printed the above image on the front page of its Arts Section, Tuesday, February 27. The image depicts a directed graph compiled from this years Oscar acceptance […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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PieSpy- Modeling Social Networks in IRC.
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PieSpy is a freeware program that can be used to track interactions amongst users in an online chat room.  The software employs several methods to not only determine which users are interacting with each other, but also just how strong these interactions between the two individuals are.  It then generates a detailed mathematical […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Network theory with a religious twist

This article is one man’s attempt to explain network theory to his audience.  I found this particular blog by searching for “Triadic Closure”, and it caught my eye because he is explaining it to a rather unusual community.  The writer is an Associate Professor at Abilene Christian University (Richard Beck), and his audience is […]

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Complexity in the Emergency Room

Ant hills, intercellular communication, human interaction… all consist of complex networks that cannot be described linearly (are high-dimensional), nor can they be easily understood or modeled. The study of such complex systems can be applied to a plethora of subjects, and Mark Smith, MD and Craig Feied, MD decided to apply complex system theories to, […]

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Too Few Friends? A Web Site Lets You Buy Some (and They’re Hot)
While there are many large scale social networks on the internet, none are as popular as MySpace is a social networking website that allows users to build a network of friends, their own personal profiles, and access to groups, photos, music, videos, and blogs. As a result, it is pretty easy for […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Connectors in the World of Online Dating  
The attached New York Times article is titled; On Niche Dating Sites, Many More Women, and the subject of choice is online dating.  One of the issues brought up in the article is the uneven split of men and women visiting these sites; however, I want to take a look at the bigger picture.  Mentioned […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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