Network theory with a religious twist

This article is one man’s attempt to explain network theory to his audience.  I found this particular blog by searching for “Triadic Closure”, and it caught my eye because he is explaining it to a rather unusual community.  The writer is an Associate Professor at Abilene Christian University (Richard Beck), and his audience is the Christian community.  The topics covered are the same as the first few lectures of this course.  He also refers to the book The Tipping Point, and the article The Strength of Weak Ties.  Using these sources he outlines the importance of weak ties, and the concepts of triadic closure.

            To make the material more relevant to his audience, he explains how connectors (people who have many weak ties) help the church achieve the goal of influencing the community, and spreading information throughout a network.  He also explains the role of connectors inside the church community as people who bring diverse groups together.  To summarize, I found this to be a thorough and easy to understand explanation of network theory.    

Posted in Topics: Education

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2 Responses to “Network theory with a religious twist”

  1. Article Feed » Network theory with a religious twist Says:

    […] Original post by emilio and software by Elliott Back […]

  2. Aether Says:

    Looks like he saw it

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