Archive for the 'Education' Category

Game Theory – Monty Hall Paradox

The Monty Hall paradox is a famous problem in the field of game theory and probability for which the best strategy of the player is counter intuitive. The problem statement is as follows:
You are on a game show and in front of you are three doors. You know that there are goats behind […]

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Game Theory is in the HOUSE!
House MD is the 2nd most watched drama series on the Cornell campus according to Facebook.
What makes a story good? complex characterization, intriguing philosophical concepts, witty dialogues, and of course, complicated social interactions between the characters.
House MD is known for its screenwriting excellecy. The seemingly compliated and twisted psychological games of the characters can be, […]

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Game Theory and Moral Behavior

In this essay (, Regis Ferriere discusses the application of game theory in social situations. More specifically, he goes in analyzing a report by Nowak and Sigmund, who studied evolutionary dynamics. The study by Nowak and Sigmund established a theory that predicts social cooperation based on the reputations of the subjects. First, it assumes that […]

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How Many People Will Select The Same Option As You?

I thought it would be interesting to bring this recent poll on the web to Cornell Info 204 blog
Slashdot poll gets Cognitive Dailyed gets Info 204-ed
How Many People Will Select The Same Option As You?
# 0%
# 1-25%
# 26-50%
# 51-75%
# 76-99%
# 100%
Before you click on the results at the bottom of the post to see […]

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The Ultimatum Game: Human versus Chimpanzee Behavior

In the October 5th, 2007 issue of the journal Science, Keith Jensen, Josep Call, and Michael Tomasello published an article entitled “Chimpanzees are Rational Maximizers in an Ultimatum Game.” This article can be found here:
The authors study the ultimatum game and contrast human behavior with chimpanzee behavior. The ultimatum game is played between two […]

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Networks and Oil Prices

I am sure that everyone has heard, seen and even experienced the recent hikes in oil prices. It is so hard to believe that the United States, once an economic powerhouse that had the “last say” on almost everything, no longer is the main “driver” in determining oil prices. This is because the United States […]

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Social Networks, Homophily and Domestic Violence

At the beginning of the semester, we discussed the concept of homophily – its pervasiveness in social networks and its role in triadic closure (the idea that if two people have a mutual friend they are more likely to become friends themselves at some point). Simply by examining our close friendships we can verify that […]

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College Web site posts sex, gossip, hate, rumor

Juicy campus is a relatively new website that gives students ability to anonymously start posts about whatever they desire.  Unfortunately this website has brought about many controversial, mean spirited threads posted all of the website. In terms of our class, the article reveals how a website that connects to so many different networks of people, […]

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The Benefits of Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty play a significant role in the success of American college institutions. As can be seen in the following article,, when college budgets are cut, adjunct faculty are often brought in from industry to teach courses the school may not otherwise be able to afford. There are several benefits to this. […]

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The HD Format Wars
On January 19th Toshiba officially conceded victory in the two year war between its own HD-DVD and Sony’s Blu-ray. Just a few months ago it seemed that HD-DVD and Blu-ray were dead even. Toshiba had acquired the exclusive support of both DreamWorks and Paramount and had a considerable price advantage over Blu-ray. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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