The Benefits of Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty play a significant role in the success of American college institutions. As can be seen in the following article,, when college budgets are cut, adjunct faculty are often brought in from industry to teach courses the school may not otherwise be able to afford. There are several benefits to this. For example, the adjunct faculty member is very likely working in the field in which they have been chosen as an instructor. They will be able to convey a realistic and practical interpretation of the course material, and provide students with concrete examples from industry. They will also be able to inform students of current trends in the marketplace, which may shape the courses students elect to take, and careers they plan to pursue.

In this manner, adjunct faculty act as a local bridge between the students they teach and the industries in which they work. The students are exposed to information they may not otherwise encounter, which has the potential to make them more valuable to their future employers. Companies in the industry in which the faculty member works may also benefit from this relationship. The adjunct faculty member may spot an especially talented student, and put them in touch with a company that is looking for someone with their skill set. In this example, the flow of information is bi-directional, and is made possible by the adjunct faculty. Colleges, students and industry all stand to benefit from this type of relationship.

Posted in Topics: Education

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