DBpedia: Semantic Web in Action

The semantic web is the target of a great deal of skepticism, but some projects are starting to make use of its principles to some of the most valuable resources on the internet even more valuable.  DBpedia, a part of the LinkingOpenData project, connects wikipedia with a number of other sources such as MusicBrainz, Project Gutenburg, flickr wrapper, and more. DBPedia sourcesOne of the most valuable assets this provides to wikipedia is a much more powerful search tool. DBpedia’s websites explains, “Wikipedia currently only supports keyword-based search and does not allow more expressive queries like “Give me all cities in New Jersey with more than 10 000 inhabitants” or “Give me all Italian musicians from the 18th century.”  In class, we have talked in depth about network structure, and it is clear that DBpedia is working to fill in some structural holes in the internet.  By interlinking these previously disconnected data sets this resource is clearly adding value to the web for the user.Links: DBpedia , LinkingOpenData 

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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