MonsterTrak and CSO forming a local bridge

The article linked above details an alliance formed between MonsterTrak and Career Services Offices, two powerful online career service providers. MonsterTrak has become widely adopted, however CSO still remains the industry leader in career services automation. The two companies will now be able to offer an improved product to their clients. Their pairing will allow MonsterTrak’s innovative student oriented model to combine with CSO’s first-rate software. By working together, these online service providers will expand in an already large community.

In this instance, MonsterTrak and CSO form an edge that represents a local bridge in the network. MonsterTrak’s job recruiters now have access to more college students through the career services that use CSO and vice versa. The recruiter node would have a difficult time connecting with a student that uses CSO if this newly-formed local bridge did not exist. The bridge provides the endpoints with access to hard-to-reach parts of the network. It has simplified the process and made job searching more efficient to both students and employees.

Posted in Topics: Education

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One response to “MonsterTrak and CSO forming a local bridge”

  1. Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » Good stuff! Recent posts and some interesting related articles Says:

    […] few students discussed mergers between existing online networks (MySpace/BBC and MonsterTrak/CSO). More about connecting over the web with a post about Friend-Of-A-Friend and one about other […]

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