Mobile Social Networks

A recent article that I came upon in the New York Times that I thought is relevant for our class was about social networking moving to cell phones leaving computers. I think this is rather prevalent in social networks as they become more and more dynamic. As technology changes networking evolves, networks naturally develop into new forms.

I think that with the oncoming of mobile cell phone networks, and mobile social networking, information cascades will occur more and more through technology through different locations, rather than through word of mouth. In addition as mentioned in the network the anonymity of the network and the diversity of the individuals will lead to more random cascades. In addition the possibility of them ending becomes much larger as more information from different sources becomes available.

Social Networking Leaves Confines of the Computer

Posted in Topics: Education

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2 Responses to “Mobile Social Networks”

  1. Social Networking Bulletin - » Mobile Social Networks Says:

    […] More here: atsleep […]

  2. Classroom 2.0: What works? » Blog Archive » Why, then the world ’s mine oyster Says:

    […] A successful experiment in using blogs in the classroom can be seen within the Expert Voices logs. Cornell Info 204 - Networks Cornell University Information Science students have been entering classroom blogs on how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected with very compelling and interesting ideas ranging from network influence on popular colors of choice for automobiles to social networks moving from laptops to cell phones. […]

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