Privacy And A Small World

In class a large focus has been on links and how they increasingly make the world seem to be a smaller space. An issue that comes up because of this is the smaller seperation or space a node is able to take up the less privacy that node has. Privacy is also affected by the increasing forms and abilities of communication devices. One example is cell phones that have the capibility to capture both still images and video photage. Individuals then often abuse such a capibility by posting videos of others on websites or web networks that compromise what the other individual is actually comfortable with letting others know or see about them. Situations of photographs or videos emerging have been as popular as the American Idol scandal this year and as damaging as causing college students their athletic opportunities.

The specific incident I read about in this article had to deal with a college student who upon graduation was no longer given the collegiate degree they had spent time earning. The decision to deny the female student her degree in education and instead give her one in english came on the eve of graduation when a photograph came in to light that had the young women drinking from a plastic cup and that had the heading “drunken pirate”. The young women has now sued the university.

Posted in Topics: Education

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