Ad-hoc Routing in Wireless Networks

The paper Authenticated Ad Hoc Routing at the Link Layer for Mobile Systems by Jim Binkley and William Trost describes the problems associated with ad-hoc wireless networks with mobile nodes. Because wireless network systems allow computers to move around geographically, it is much more difficult to determine which computers can access which other computers and to assess the connectivity of a wireless network. Computers in an overall network are broken down into individual subnets, where each subnet is administered by a router. If a node in a subnet physically moves and enters another subnet, the IP address, along with other identification information, must be transferred from one subnet to the next. Thus, there are a multitude of different protocols designed to address this issue, many of which focus primarily on security and connectivity.

An interesting problem regarding protocols that handle a multitude of subnets is that two nodes being in the same subnet does not imply that they can communicate with one another. For example, if there are 3 nodes, A, B and C, node A might be just within range of node B on the left, while node C might be just within range of node B on the right. B can communicate with both A and C, but the ranges of A and C do not encompass each other (A and C are on opposite sides of B). Therefore, even though A, B, and C might potentially all be in the same subnet, A cannot in fact communicate with C. Current protocols assume that nodes within the same subnet are capable of communicating with one another because wired networks have this transitive property. But wireless networks don’t share the same properties as wired networks; there are potentially more complications and more complex interactions among the nodes than what a wired network would encounter. In addition, with current communication protocols, there is no simple way for B to realize that it should help with the communication gap between A and C.

The paper addresses this problem by proposing that connectivity should not be determined merely by subnets, but that each node needs to emanate a beacon signal periodically. Although there are many security issues that must be addressed with this sort of communication scheme, the basic idea is that whichever beacon signals a computer receives indicate the computers that are within communication range. Thus, nodes that are in the same subnet do not necessarily assume that they can reach every other node in the same subnet. Furthermore, nodes that are not in the same subnet are also capable of communicating with one another, because the communication scheme bases connectivity on whether a beacon signal was received. Nodes from different subnets are capable of receiving each other’s beacon signals, and thus, more accurate information on connectivity is achievable by the wireless network as a whole.

This signal “hopping” and connectivity problem is similar to model discussed in class involving nodes with local connections along with random “long-range” connections. The “long-range” connections are produced by central wireless hubs which have a much farther range than the smaller nodes, while each small node is capable of communicating with its neighbors. Although there are some key differences between how ad-hoc wireless networks and people behave, the basic idea that information must be transferred indirectly to some particular target is inherent in both situations. In contrast to analyzing social networks, wireless networks can overcome these obstacles through communication protocols that are designed to yield the most effective results. But the same kinds of analysis are required to determine the effectiveness of such communication methods.

Posted in Topics: Technology

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