VT Tragedy


As many of us found out, tragedy strikes amongst the Hokies today in Blacksburg, VA. The shooting claimed the lives of 33 people and many are affected by it. Personally, I went to high school in Richmond, VA, and many people I know, friends, schoolmates, mere acquaintances, etc. all are affected.  Many more college and high school students are affected by this event and  than I can ever realize…

Blissfully, I went through the day from class to class, assignment to assignment, not knowing what went on outside of our little Ithaca. I found out about this tragic event through my lab partners this evening and immediately checked Facebook when I got home to make sure everyone I know is okay. As soon as I opened up the homepage, I realized that my minifeed was overwhelmed by the many groups and events that VT Hokies and affected others have put up to not only discuss the event with each other and offer condolences, but also to honor the others.

Social networking web sites like Facebook and Myspace today saved me from insanity and frustration from the vast distance from home. Social networks is an old topic, but still very pertinent today, at least for me.

Posted in Topics: Education

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