Search Engine Optimization a Burden?

SEO Tips

With the growing popularity of online search engines, especially Google, more and more web developers have grown to realize the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  More and more people become aware of what kind of procedures search engines rank pages, and this motivates these people to optimize their web page in terms of getting high ranks.  Though search engines such as Google obviously do not flaunt their ranking algorithms, they do give some idea of what systems they use to rank websites.  For instance, Google admits to using PageRank as one of its many ways to sort pages.  In turn, web developers try to attain the highest possible rank they can by changing around links and other small tricks.  Many of these developers will exploit any errors or imperfections in the algorithms to maximize their ranks.  All of this, in a way, ruins the goals of the search engines, which are to rank pages in order of relevance, not to place the pages with the best SEO schemes at the top.

A large company can hire experts to handle the SEO on its websites.  This may be one of the many reasons why sites such as Amazon and eBay are ubiquitous in search results.  On the other hand, the smaller websites which do not have access to as much money will obviously have inferior SEO.  Whether the website has little or a lot of money is most likely not to be relevant to the user, and yet he or she will get results clearly influenced by the SEO techniques employed by larger websites.  Small websites created by developers will little or no knowledge or resources to deal with SEO are not necessarily bad sources of information.  All of this SEO further sways the results in favor of the larger websites, which probably already have high in-degrees and have paid the search engines to make their website more visible.  It would probably behoove the search engines to curb this practice a bit so that the users can have more varied results.

Posted in Topics: Education

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