Cell Phone Advertising

We are all plagued by spam in our in-boxes and telemarketers calling us at dinner. But, for the most part, cell phones have been free from mass marketing strategies. A patent has been issued (http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5852775-description.html) for a system that may change this. The cellular telephone advertising system would play ads of up to 30 seconds at the beginning of every conversation originating from a cellphone. When a customer places a call, the system will look at demographic information about the customer as well as information about the cell they are connected to (providing geographic information) and play an advertisement before connecting the call. Theories similar to those used in key-word based advertising can be used to select ads which customers will receive. Knowing the customer’s location allows advertising for close by businesses, which they are more likely to visit then distant ones. Also, demographic information (i.e. sex, ethnicity, etc…), allows targeted advertising (for example a person is more likely to visit a local restaurant if they serve their favorite food).

So if you place a call while driving by a McDonald’s, you may very well be forced to listen to an ad about the latest additions to the dollar menu before being able to connect. This technology raises concerns about customer’s privacy, as well as forcing people to listen to an ad before being able to place a call (which may be potentially urgent). There are some current examples of being forced to listen to advertisements, like commercials on TV or internet video cites, but this seems to take it to another level. If this system is actually ever implemented, people will be forced to listen to advertising before they can use a phone.

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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