Social Network Recruitment

In the article, Cash In On Your Social Network, Joanna Glasner looks at online recruiting services, such as Jobster and that uses social networks to fill job positions, by offering cash for referrals and invitations by and for prospective job applicants. Companies such as Starbucks and Nordstrom use Jobster to have employees refer their connections in their social networks. This is a valuable ability for companies to search for prospects who have employee connections as well as to search for people who already have jobs elsewhere, widening their search field. It also can supplement headhunting firms and replace recruiters.

This article shows how social networks employment opportunities, much as in the case of what we discussed in class as the “strength of weak ties” are based more on weak ties than the strong ties of a close-knit network. A new edge can lead to a whole new group of acquaintances. These online services serve to close social networks by forming edges between less sociable employees and prospective employers.

Posted in Topics: Education

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