Welcome to INFO 204

Welcome to the course blog for INFO 204. This is a course which will cover how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections.

Topics include: how opinions, fads, and political movements spread through society; the robustness and fragility of food webs and financial markets; and the technology, economics, and politics of Web information and on-line communities.

The content on this blog viewable by the public. However, only the course staff and enrolled students are allowed to comment or post to this blog. All students enrolled in this course are required to participate in updating this blog. The guidelines can be found here.

In order to comment or post to this blog, students must have an NSDL account and register that account with ExpertVoices. You can follow the directions for registration here.  Be sure to register with ExpertVoices from this blog.  Once an account has been created and registered with ExpertVoices, click on “Request Post Permission” on the top right corner of this blog.

In keeping with course privacy guidelines, no student will be required to make their true identity public as part of this activity. Students are strongly encouraged to use a nickname when posting or commenting. After being granted post permission, click on your name on the top right corner of the main page of this blog (you must be logged in first). This will take you to a page where you can edit your profile. Type in a nickname in the appropriate field and click on “Update Profile”. After your profile is updated, you can then select your nickname from the drop down menu labeled: “Display name publicly as:”, and then click on “Update Profile” again.

Please also fill in the fields for your name and email address. While this information will not be publicly displayed, we require this in order to assign grades.

The interface for updating this blog is fairly straightforward. Please refer to this help page if you are having difficulty. If your problem persists, feel free to email me at yyue@cs.cornell.edu.

Posted in Topics: Education

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