Lesson: Modifying Related Links
Edit the Record
- Find the record in My OnRamp.
- Click the title to view the record.
- Click on the pencil icon
to edit the record.
See Viewing and Editing a Saved Record if you need help with this process.
Adding a link with the same description
Near the bottom of the edit form, in the Add Links section...
- Type NCore Website in the field Description for Link 1
- Type http://ncore.nsdl.org/ in the field URL 1
- Click the Save button.
When OnRamp completes the save process and forwards you back to viewing the record, notice that the there are two different links with the NCore Website description.
Adding the same link with the different description
Now you will modify the longer URL that goes directly to the OnRamp page within the NCore website to have the description NCore Services:OnRamp.
- Click on the pencil icon
to edit the record.
- Type NCore Services:OnRamp in the field Description for Link 1 (Near the bottom of the edit form, in the Add Links section)
- Type http://ncore.nsdl.org/index.php?menu=services&submenu=services!OnRamp in the field URL 1
- Click the Save button.
When OnRamp completes the save process and forwards you back to viewing the record, notice that the longer URL for the NCore website is in the list twice with two different descriptions.
Cleaning up the links
Let's clean up these links so only the ones we want with the descriptions we want are in the record. You will need to delete the link for OnRamp in the NCore website that has the short description.
All the way at the bottom, is a section titled Related Links. This area lists the external links that are part of the record. Notice that there is a [ purge ] link beside each external link's description.
| The file is permanently deleted from this record. There is no way to recover the file from OnRamp. Abandoning the workflow through the Abandon Workflow button will not abandon the purge of the uploaded file. It is already permanently deleted.
- In this section, click [ purge ] next to the external link with description NCore Website and url http://ncore.nsdl.org/index.php?menu=services&submenu=services!OnRamp
| Caution:
| Just like with purging uploaded file, purging a link does not save changes to metadata fields. Any changes made to the record between the start of the current edit workflow and the point at which the purge was made are lost. If you make changes to any area of the record, be sure to Save and begin a new edit workflow before purging a link or a file. After the purge, you can edit the record as you normally would and exit using one of the buttons at the top and bottom of the edit form to save or abandon these changes. Remember if you Abandon Workflow, the purge won't be abandoned, but all other changes since the purge will be abandoned.
- Click the Save button.
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- use the Back button to return to the page you were viewing prior to this page
- OR select a topic from the table of contents at the left.