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Tutorial: OnRamp Usage

Reference Materials


Start Here

to OnRamp
Pre-Tutorial Setup Process


Content Management

Advanced Content Management

Distribution System

Lesson: Choosing a Location

New Terminology


What is a Community?

A Community is the lowest level of the hierarchy for organizing records. Communities can contain Collections only. Records are not located directly in a Community.


What is a Collection?

A Collection is part of the hierarchy for organizing records. Collections can contain sub-Collections and/or Records.

Introduction to Choosing a Location

This part of the tutorial will explore how to choose where a Record will live in the hierarchy of Communities and Collections.

Types of Communities and Collections

Communities and Collections make up the organizational hierarchy within OnRamp. Communities are the lowest level of the hierarchy and generally there is one Community for each major project. Collections are used to organize content within a major project. A Collection can have Sub-Collections which allow for a complex organizational hierarchy.

Collections are used to organize content into a relationship. Some common organization approaches have been...

  • a Collection holds all publications for a project
  • a Collection holds content for a workshop
  • a Collection holds related documentation for a project with Sub-Collections used to organize the documentation further
  • a Collection holds all content for an issue in a periodic publication
  • Collections hold content for each major topic area in a periodic publication with Sub-Collections organizing each released issue
  • a Collection holds similar types of content, such as photos for a photo gallery, podcasts, pdf resources for listing on a download page, etc.

This is not a suggested organization scheme. Each project decides the best approach for their project. You can browse through existing Communities and Collections to get ideas for organizing your project.


Most of the time, the location for a new record is pre-determined by the location selected for previous related content records. Here are some common scenarios...

Scenario Common Approach
adding content to an existing project add a record to the appropriate Collection within the project
adding content for a new major area of an existing project create a Sub-Collection to the project and add the record there
new project create a Community with a Collection and add the record to the Collection

A Word About Permissions

OnRamp is predominantly an open system where the majority of records are public for all users to view. However, users must be given permissions to perform actions within OnRamp and those actions can be limited to certain Communities and Collections. One such action is the creation of new records. Users can be given permission to create records in a particular Community or even limited to a particular Collection within a Community.

Coming Up Next

The next topic discusses how you can determine in which Collections you are allowed to create records.

Related Topics

The following topics are advanced topics in this tutorial. But if you want to jump ahead, here are some topics related to concepts described on this page.

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  • use the Back button to return to the page you were viewing prior to this page
  • OR select a topic from the table of contents at the left.

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