Braving the Wilderness: A Polar Digital Story

Have you ever felt confused by the complexity of the polar regions? Or realized that your knowledge just scratches the surface of these far-off places? If you have, you are certainly in good company. All of us - especially the project staff at Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - have been confronted with our lack of understanding of the Arctic and Antarctica. While most of us haven ‘t actually been able to visit these places, we are continually expanding our knowledge and developing a polar “sense of place.”

In this spirit, we’d like to share with you a new type of reflection: a digital story. If you aren’t familiar with the term, a digital story is a short movie comprised of narration, images, and a soundtrack. This particular story was the result of a three-day intensive workshop at Ohio State University’s Digital Union. In the story, Jessica Fries-Gaither describes her own journey to a better understanding of the regions and why we should all brave this “wilderness.”

If you are unable to view the embedded video below, you can also view it directly on YouTube or Teacher TubeNSDL Annotation.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Digital stories are a new medium for us and one that we hope to utilize in the future! As always, your comments and suggestions are much appreciated.

Posted in Topics: Antarctica, Arctic, International Polar Year, Professional Development, Technology

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