Polar News & Notes: Live Talks from Tents on Greenland Ice Sheet

This July, a team of four scientists, a writer and a photographer from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Washington will return to Greenland for their third year of investigating glacial lakes, which form atop the ice sheet each spring and summer. The expedition runs from July 7 to 24.

From their tents on the ice sheet, the investigators and the media team will send daily dispatches and photo essays to the Polar Discovery web site. Scientists and journalists use satellite phones and computers powered by solar energy to share their findings and experiences. About half way into the expedition, they will hold live talks with audiences at eight major science museums across the United States.

Museums that have scheduled live talks include the Field Museum in Chicago, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland, Boston Museum of Science, Pittsburg’s Carnegie Museum, Houston Museum of Science, and Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Most are open to the general public with a few held for students. Each presentation will feature a knowledgeable moderator – often a scientist – who will present a short summary about the research before the live question-and-answer session. The Live Talk schedule at the WHOI web site gives dates, times, and locations within the institutions.

Posted in Topics: Arctic, Current News, International Polar Year, Polar News & Notes, Scientists in the field, Upcoming Opportunities

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One response to “Polar News & Notes: Live Talks from Tents on Greenland Ice Sheet”

  1. Greenland » Greenland Brewhouse Says:

    […] Polar News & Notes: Live Talks from Tents on Greenland Ice SheetThis July, a team of four scientists, a writer and a photographer from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Washington will return to Greenland for their third year of investigating glacial lakes, … […]

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