Polar News & Notes: ABC News Wants to See Your Vision of Earth 2015 to 2100

This September in a two-hour broadcast titled Earth 2100, ABC News will bring scientists, historians, economists, and viewers worldwide together to predict what the planet will be like by the next century. The news organization is inviting Internet viewers now to create short videos about what life will be like if we do nothing about climate change and dwindling resources in this decade. The most compelling videos will be included in the fall broadcast.

To help viewers create their 1- to 3-minute videos, ABC staff will provide scenarios based on predictions of conditions in different parts of the world in the years 2015, 2050, 2070, and 2100. Find instructions for participating in Earth 2100 at http://earth2100.tv/game.

Some experts say that if we continue on the current path to 2015, it may be impossible to avert climate change that cannot be managed. ABC says the story viewers tell for the year 2015 will dictate the scenario the producers create for the year 2050 and the following two dates.

Posted in Topics: Polar News & Notes, Upcoming Opportunities

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One response to “Polar News & Notes: ABC News Wants to See Your Vision of Earth 2015 to 2100”

  1. Vectorpedia Says:

    This should be an exciting 2 hour broadcast event……..I hope more people will take action in reference to climate change as a result of this broadcast.

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