Polar News & Notes: Atmospheric Research Centers in the United States and the United Kingdom Agree to Collaborate

National research centers in the United States and the United Kingdom have agreed to work together on atmospheric science and technology and develop joint educational and training programs. The agreement, which runs for three years, is between the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Britain’s National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS).

NCAS Director Stephen Mobbs says, “International collaboration on this scale has never been more timely. It is essential, not optional, to work together now to provide society with reliable weather and climate predictions. No one nation can unravel the complexities of the atmosphere–we have to work together to tackle environmental issues head on.”

The goal of the partnership is to coordinate ongoing research and education programs and to develop and implement future joint research projects. Among the focus areas are: research into weather, climate, air quality, and interactions between land, oceans, and atmosphere; developing new sensors and other measuring instruments; and such outreach activities as joint summer schools and student and staff exchanges.

NCAR, located in Boulder, Colorado, provides university scientists and teachers with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. NCAR and university scientists work together on research topics in atmospheric chemistry, climate, cloud physics and storms, weather hazards to aviation, and interactions between the sun and Earth.

Posted in Topics: Current News, Polar News & Notes, Scientists in the field

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One response to “Polar News & Notes: Atmospheric Research Centers in the United States and the United Kingdom Agree to Collaborate”

  1. United-States » Polar News & Notes: Atmospheric Research Centers in the United ... Says:

    […] Polar News & Notes: Atmospheric Research Centers in the United …National research centers in the United States and the United Kingdom have agreed to work together on atmospheric science and technology and develop joint educational and training programs. The agreement, which runs for three years, … […]

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